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10 Feb

Germany’s Slow Work Visa Issuance Impacting Labour Migration

The Expert Council on Integration and Migration (SVR) has said that despite Germany launching its Opportunity Card, the country is struggling to deal with labour shortages and attract more foreign workers.

While the country has taken several measures to help different sectors, according to SVR one of the main reasons for the relatively low demand for the Opportunity Card is the slow issuance of visas, Schengen.News reports.

As explained, the long waiting time to obtain a visa that permits foreign workers to enter Germany for the purpose of employment is discouraging applicants and ultimately affecting the labour market.

Foreign Workers Struggling With a Requirement
Germany launched its Opportunity Card on June 1, 2024, for all non-EU nationals who want to work in the country. Under this scheme, foreigners were promised to have it easier to obtain a visa and migrate to the country.

However, the head of the annual assessment department in the SVR office, Dr. Holger Kolb, argues that the requirement to show proof that they are able to financially support themselves during the “search for a job phase” is too strict.

Everything Depends on How Fast Visas Are Issued, Kolb Says
In addition to the above-mentioned, Kolb stressed that not many employers are willing to hire someone who still does not know if their visa will be approved, stressing that everything depends on the speed at which the visa is issued.

To deal with this problem, Kolb recommended that improvements be made in the visa issuance process.

A study by the Bertelsmann Foundation found earlier in November 2024 that the labour market of Germany needs around 288,000 skilled workers every year in order to be able to maintain economic development.

Without these workers, the German workforce could decrease from 46.4 million to 41.9 million.
