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13 Mar

Manitoba and Alberta Issue ITAs Through PNPs, Targeting Skilled Workers in Law Enforcement, Healthcare, Tech, and More

Two provinces have issued Invitations to Apply (ITAs) for nomination through their Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs).

Manitoba issued letters of advice to apply under its Skilled Worker in Manitoba and Skilled Worker Overseas streams.

Meanwhile, Alberta conducted multiple immigration draws over the last few weeks. Most recently, it conducted a draw for workers in law enforcement on March 5.

In February, the province also had draws for workers in the healthcare, technology, construction and agriculture sectors.

Provincial Immigration Results

Manitoba (February 28 – March 7)
On March 6, the Manitoba PNP (MPNP) held draws under two streams.

The first draw was conducted under the Skilled Worker in Manitoba stream, which invited 98 candidates. The lowest-ranked candidate in this draw had a score of 861.

The second draw occurred under the Skilled Worker Overseas stream. In this draw, 13 candidates were invited. The lowest-ranked candidate in this group had a score of 724. This Skilled Worker Overseas draw invited profiles that declared that the candidates had been directly invited by the MPPNP under a strategic recruitment initiative.

In total, 111 Letters of Advice to Apply were issued. Of these, 27 were issued to candidates who declared a valid Express Entry profile number and job seeker validation code.

Alberta (February 7 – March 7)
The Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP) has held multiple draws between February 7 and March 6.

These draws took place through the Alberta Express Entry Stream, the Alberta Opportunity Stream, and the Dedicated Health Care Pathway, as well as for through the pathway for law enforcement.

Note: The AAIP’s Dedicated Health Care Pathway offers two intake options: one aligned with Express Entry (enhanced) and another that is non-Express Entry. 

Only candidates who are not eligible for the Alberta Express Entry stream but fulfill all other eligibility requirements for the Dedicated Health Care Pathway can apply through the non-Express Entry intake.
