28 Feb

These are the world's top Citizenship by Investment programs of 2024, according to Henley

Malta, Austria and, Antigua and Barbudam, have emerged as the world's top Citizenship by Investment programs of 2024, according to the Henley & Partners' Citizenship Program Index.

The index assesses programs across 10 key factors, including reputation, quality of life, visa-free travel access, processing times, compliance procedures, and investment requirements. It aims to provide a comprehensive overview for anyone seeking new opportunities through citizenship by investment.

For ease, the tool by Henley allows investors to choose the factors they deem more important before a ranking is reveled. The index is revised annually.

Top contenders, all factors considered

This year, Malta retains its top spot for the ninth consecutive year, praised for its strong global reputation, high visa-free travel access, and commitment to transparency. Joining the top ranks are Austria and Antigua and Barbuda, both offering attractive investment options and visa-free access to the European Union.

Several emerging markets are also gaining traction, with countries like Cambodia, Vanuatu, and North Macedonia making significant strides in the rankings. These programs often offer faster processing times and lower investment thresholds, appealing to a wider range of individuals.

The Henley Index emphasizes that the "best" program is highly individual, depending on specific needs and priorities. The interactive tool allows users to customize rankings based on their personal circumstances, making it an invaluable resource for exploring investment migration options.

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