07 May

Switzerland: Migration Authority Warns About Fraudulent Communications

The State Secretariat for Migration has noted an increase in attempts to defraud foreign nationals, including through emails, letters and phone calls which claim to be from Swiss government bodies. These communications often state erroneously that an individual’s immigration permit has been revoked and then demand payment of a fee.

The State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) has stated that such communications and requests should be ignored. Additionally, the SEM has reiterated that they never send requests for payment by e-mail and has advised recipients of communications which do not correspond to ongoing issues to get in touch immediately with their immigration service provider or employer.
Additionally, the SEM has stated that any individuals who receive such fraudulent communications should contact ‘eu_immigration@sem.admin.ch’ and also report the case to the National Cyber Security Centre.

 Source: https://www.fragomen.com/insights/switzerland-migration-authority-warns-about-fraudulent-communications.html

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