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06 Mar

Implementation of Digital Queue System at Latvian-Russian Border Postponed for Spring

Latvia’s plans to launch an electronic check-in queue at the Russian border points of Grebneva and Terehova have been postponed.

According to Latvian Radio, the decision that was planned to take effect by February has been delayed until spring, Schengen.News reports.

While at the end of last year, over thousands of trucks were queuing at these two border crossing points, with hauliers being subject to waiting times of more than ten days, the situation seems to have improved, after on March 3, 50 trucks were waiting to leave for Russia in Grebneva and 170 in Terehova.

In the autumn of last year, the Director of the Public Transport Services Department at the Ministry of Transport, Annija Novikova, told Latvian Radio that the electronic application system would be implemented by February 2025.

However, in spite of Novikova’s announcement, such a decision has not yet taken effect.

The Minister said that the National Information System will be managed by the Road Transport Directorate once it becomes effective and a fee for this service will be set.

Back then, Novikova said that Latvia was drafting amendments to the Latvian State Border Law, and then the Latvian government regulations would be provided determining the procedure for vehicles to register in such a queue.

Long Queues May Become a Problem Again
In spite of the reduction in the queue of trucks at these border checks, there is a risk that the influx of trucks may again become a problem.

According to the Chairman of the Board of the Association of Carriers “Latvijas Auto”, Aleksandrs Pociluiko, the main problem for freight forwarders at present is the lack of freight, leading to a reduction in queues at border checkpoints.

The electronic queue implementation at the Grebneva and Terehova border crossing points is expected to cost about €2.5 million.
