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01 Aug

Germany issued 80,000 work visas till June 2024 amid workforce shortages

Germany issued 80,000 visas for employment purposes between January and June this year, as per the latest report by Schengen News.

The report says that 40,000 of these visas were granted to skilled workers, marking an increase of 3,000 compared to the same period in 2023.

The increase in visa issuance is closely related to the country’s labour shortages, particularly for skilled workers.

The 2023 EURES report indicates that Germany is experiencing labour shortages in more than 70 different occupations.

The German Economic Institute (IW) has also confirmed that Germany is grappling with a workforce shortage. Their analysis revealed that 5,70,000 positions were left vacant in 2023, which is impacting the nation’s economy.

These gaps are evident across multiple industries, including transportation, manufacturing, construction, healthcare, engineering, and information technology.

Germany is planning to hire more Indian workers to tackle its labour shortages. The country is pulling out all the stops to address its need for skilled labour.

“Germany wants to hire a high number of skilled workers from India,” said the country’s labour minister Hubertus Heil earlier.

Regarding this matter, respective authorities will present the Indian Skilled Worker strategy to German-Indian government consultations this autumn, as Heil said after a meeting with Indian students at the Free University of Berlin.

Referring to a study by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB), the Labour Minister said that Germany will need seven million workers by 2035.
