17 Jul

Embracing a Circular Economy Mindset for Sustainable Tourism

In our interconnected world, embarking on a journey to uncover the beauty, culture, and diversity of our planet is an invaluable experience.

As travellers’ venture into new destinations, the environmental impact of discarding plastic waste becomes increasingly apparent.

A 2021 report from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) underscores tourism’s significant contribution to the global plastic pollution crisis.  

Tourism, a significant economic contributor, often comes at an environmental cost, with plastic waste emerging as a major culprit.

Yet, there exists a simple yet powerful solution: adopting a mindset that embraces sustainability.

This holds the potential to transform how we manage plastic waste in the travel industry.

Adopting a sustainable mindset requires embracing the principles of a circular economy, centered on the fundamental tenets of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle – commonly referred to as the 3Rs.

Reduction involves efficient design and material use, while reuse focuses on extending product life, and recycling transforms waste into a renewable resource
Integrating these principles into travel necessitates a reimagining of material life cycles, emphasizing reuse, recycling, and minimizing environmental impact.

This transformative shift not only creates opportunities for recycling and repurposing materials but also sets in motion a positive ripple effect, fostering improvements in both environmental and social aspects.

Plastic is a valuable resource, versatile and durable and can be recycled.

Responsible disposal of plastic post use and recycling rather repurposing used plastic into value added products hold the key to resolving this challenge.

Particularly in a country like India, cleaner destinations have the potential to attract more visitors, thereby contributing positively to economic growth.

Trade and establishments, significant contributors to the travel industry, play a pivotal role in advancing a circular economy.

By guaranteeing the responsible collection and recycling of post-use materials linked to on-premises consumption, they can significantly impact waste reduction.
Implementing practices such as deposit recovery systems can prevent the mindless discarding of post-consumption packaging, addressing the largest challenge of recycling industry in sorting and processing mixed waste.

George believes, “The introduction of certifications and standards related to sustainable travel, such as eco-friendly accommodation certifications, green café certifications, and other recognized benchmarks, can guide tourists in making responsible choices.

These certifications will encourage businesses to adopt and sustain environmentally friendly practices.”

Active engagement with local communities is a crucial element of successful circular practices in tourism.

Local communities bear the ultimate impact of pollution caused by tourists, underscoring the importance of involving them in these initiatives.

The participation of local communities can result in the establishment of effective waste management systems, the advocacy for sustainable tourism choices, and the vigilant protection of natural habitats from plastic waste.

This inclusive approach ensures the responsible sharing of the benefits derived from tourism, fostering a symbiotic relationship between visitors and the local environment.

The government, serving as a crucial enabler, assumes a pivotal role in shaping a circular future.

Essential elements of effective governmental involvement include the implementation of policies that incentivize circular practices, the encouragement of research and innovation, and collaboration with industries and local communities.

There has been concerted efforts from the government with ban on single use plastics and roll out of extended producer responsibility on plastic recycling.

Source : https://www.msn.com/en-in/travel/news/embracing-a-circular-economy-mindset-for-sustainable-tourism/ar-BB1olsPQ?cvid=134a807d67d147f4ad61417fc87121c9&ei=19

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