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04 Sep

EB-5 Program can help secure your children’s education and get a Green Card in the US

Did you know that 9 of the 20 highest-paid CEOs of American companies are immigrants to the United States, and 3 of them are from India? 

Nikesh Arora, Jay Chaudhry, and Githesh Ramamurthy all moved to the US as students and built impressive careers, earning $151,425,203, $57,775,483, and $54,549,486, respectively, in 2023 alone!

It’s no surprise that many parents wish for their children to study in the US. 

Some are even willing to send their kids to boarding schools, which help improve language skills and provide intense preparation in the years leading up to college admission.

Boarding schools offer the possibility to study in the school and to live on the campus under supervision, they normally have smaller class sizes, ranging from 5 to 15 students, with more teachers to provide individual attention, a wide range of courses, and excellent facilities, often including ice rinks, fitness centers, and crew and equestrian centers. 

The top reason for sending children to boarding schools is their high college acceptance rates, with many schools boasting rates above 90%.

While boarding schools are a great option, they also have drawbacks—children are far from their parents, and at a young age, it can be difficult for them to set their priorities with full responsibility. 

Alcohol, bad influence, and other forms of distractions from study can happen in any boarding school even with the strongest supervision.

Moving to the US with parents is a challenging task due to immigration complexities, but the EB-5 program can be a great help in this regard.

With the EB-5 Program parents can move to the US and, in so doing. replace the need for a boarding school with a public or private school, where your child will get the best of US education and can continue living with their parents.

The EB-5 Program, established by the US Government in 1990, allows foreign investors and their family members to receive a Green Card in the US.

Through the EB-5 program, one parent (usually the mother) and the children can move to the US and receive a Green Card. The Green Card allows children to enroll in free public schools or attend private schools paying a reduced resident tuition fee.

The main advantage is that children will experience less stress and have more control, while parents can have peace of mind.

Although the EB-5 program requires a significant investment, many families considering boarding schools may be able to afford it.

The EB-5 program requires an investment of $800,000, typically held for 5 to 7 years, along with additional non-refundable expenses of $100,000 to $200,000 for immigration attorneys, government filing fees, administrative fees, and other costs.

What do you get in return? 
A Green Card for the entire family or part of the family, a clear pathway to US citizenship, access to free public education, a wider choice of scholarships and grants, reduced tuition fees at public universities, and, most importantly, an easier path to employment—allowing you to prioritize your career without being limited to employers willing to sponsor an H-1B visa.

Looking at the numbers, boarding school can cost between $30,000 and $60,000 annually. Over two years, that’s already $60,000 to $120,000. 
If you receive a Green card and your child goes to a public school, you can save these funds.

In addition, families can also save up to $120,000 over four years on university fees (for example, the resident rate for the University of California, Berkeley is $15,891, compared to $48,465 for non-residents; at the University of Michigan—Ann Arbor, it’s $57,273 for out-of-state students and $17,786 for in-state students).

Therefore, up to $240,000 can be saved on education costs alone, not including potential scholarships and the differences in salary that students can earn in their first years of employment. 
This is just for one child—if you have more children, the savings can be astonishing.

In conclusion, planning with the help of the EB-5 program can offer you and your family significant financial benefits. 