13 Jun

Common Implementation Plan Gets Introduced to Help EU Countries Manage Migration & Asylum

The Commission of the European Union has officially presented the Common Implementation Plan for the Migration and Asylum Pact.

This plan, which has ten building blocks, aims to make it easier for the member states to introduce the new migration and asylum rules, Schengen.News reports.

As the Commission has emphasised, all the building blocks are independent, and they need to be adopted in parallel so that the member states can start applying the new legislation by the second half of 2026.

As part of the Common Implementation Plan, a common migration and asylum information system, Eurodac, will provide support to the EU member states with storing and processing data of asylum seekers.

Moreover, in line with the plan, the member states will be able to implement a new system to manage irregular arrivals to the bloc.

Through this system, the member states will have to set up fast and efficient procedures for asylum as well as return.

The system will make it possible for the member states to register all migrants, who will then be subject to screening, and a border procedure will apply to persons who may present a security risk.

Implementation Plan Will Help Member States to Ensure Sufficient Reception Standards

The member states will also have to ensure that they provide sufficient reception standards.

As part of this particular building block, the member states will be required to allow earlier access to the labour market for international protection applicants.

They should also permit this group of people to access healthcare facilities and offer more protection, among others.

Another two building blocks are the responsibility of the member states to provide fair and efficient asylum and return procedures.

In line with the Common Implementation Plan, the member states will also not be left alone when they are under pressure, and they will enjoy increased monitoring of fundamental rights, among others.

Commenting on the presentation of the Common Implementation Plan, the EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, said that the plan will make a difference for all involved parties.

Vice-President for Promoting our European Way of Life, Margaritis Schinas, also noted that the plan will help the member states to make the Migration and Asylum Pact a reality in the next two years.

Source: https://schengen.news/common-implementation-plan-gets-introduced-to-help-eu-countries-manage-migration-asylum/

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