23 Jun

China & Brazil Are the 2 Biggest Sources of Tourists to EU in 2024, Survey Reveals

Brazilian and Chinese travellers are expected to be the two biggest long-haul markets travelling to Europe this summer, with 62 per cent and 52 per cent of respondents, respectively, planning a trip.

According to the Long-Haul Travel Barometer (LHTB) report published by the European Travel Commission (ETC), seven major overseas markets include destinations such as Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Japan, South Korea and the United States, Schengen.News reports.

Travellers from the US and Canada exhibit a more cautious approach to European travel, with interest growing slightly since last year to 40 per cent and 42 per cent, respectively. Australia and South Korea show moderate enthusiasm, as interest sits at 37 per cent and 35 per cent respectively.

ETC survey also revealed that Japanese citizens show less interest at 19 per cent, as travel recovery from this market continues to be slow.

In addition, younger travellers aged 18-24 or 34-49 and those with the highest incomes across all markets drive the desire to visit the EU.

Safety Remained Main Factor Influencing Choice of EU Destinations

Safety also remains a crucial concern for long-haul travellers, with 45 per cent of respondents prioritising EU destinations believed to be safe; quality tourism infrastructure comes second with 38 per cent, while 36 per cent of respondents are inclined to visit iconic monuments.

Next comes stable weather conditions, with 31 per cent of tourists choosing them as an option to travel to the destinations they intend to visit.

At the same time, one in five travellers want direct flights, with the same amount preferring good train connections once at the destination.

On the other hand, affordability is a concern for 23 per cent of respondents, although this is down from 32 per cent last year.

Moreover, the survey also found that 67 per cent of long-haul EU visitors choose multi-country itineraries, with around 51 per cent of respondents intending to use full-service airlines to travel across the continent.

International Travellers Prioritise Well-Known EU Countries to Travel To

Regarding international travel within the EU, full-service airlines remain the favourite choice for 51 per cent of respondents.

Among budget-conscious travellers, low-cost airlines and one-way/return train tickets are also popular, with 29 per cent and 24 per cent, respectively.

As the survey explains, travellers prioritise familiarity when choosing specific destinations and experiences. As a result, 61 per cent of them choose countries with well-developed infrastructure and
popular attractions.

While the lure of well-known spots remains strong, 39 per cent are interested in exploring lesser-known places across the EU.

Source: https://schengen.news/china-brazil-are-the-2-biggest-sources-of-tourists-to-eu-in-2024-survey-reveals/

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