30 Jul

Automatic green cards for overseas graduates of US HE is a bad idea

In a recent podcast, Donald Trump reacted to an invitation to “promise us that you will give us more ability to import the best and brightest to America” by saying: “You should get automatically, as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country.” 

Trump first suggested automatically issuing Permanent Resident Cards (the official name of green cards) to graduates during his successful 2016 presidential campaign, and it became part of the Republican platform. 

At the time, I thought it was a good way to assure an ample supply of bright young minds for American companies and communities. 

But it has failed to gain traction: neither the Trump nor Biden administration pursued it. And, on further reflection, I think that is just as well.

Not all of the more than one million students studying in the US hope to stay; many have told me that their preference is to return home. 

The dream that encourages them to study abroad is to improve their countries and work in fields where their earnings enable them to live better than if they had stayed in more expensive countries.

However, automatically issuing very tempting green cards, providing a pathway to citizenship, could upset this dynamic and denude students’ native countries of their talents – as well as potentially causing tension in the US about immigration levels. 

Like other industrialised nations, the US does need to hire more international graduates. Our society is ageing, our birthrate is falling, and our own citizens are choosing not to pursue degrees in STEM, healthcare and services fields. 

At the master’s and doctoral levels, between half and two-thirds of all graduates from US universities are international students.

But a better way already exists to meet US workforce needs that also respects the priorities of international students and contributes more to their home countries and the world community. 

STEM graduates are eligible for up to three years of Optional Practical Training to enable them to work at US companies and research institutes – and more than 200,000 do so every year. 

The process is well established and straightforward; universities assist the students and are closely in touch with employers.

Source : https://www.timeshighereducation.com/opinion/automatic-green-cards-overseas-graduates-us-he-bad-idea 

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